Stephen Hawking

"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious."
Stephen Hawking

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Packard Fellowship Awarded To UMD Faculty Member to Provide Funding for Research on Earth's Core

Faculty Member was Awarded Fellowship for Efforts in Science and Engineering
Nearly 2 million data lines fill the screen of Vendran Lekic's computer screen every day, each presenting seismic waves that are detected from of the more than 1,700 seismic stations around the U.S.
  In recognition of his efforts to integrate computer science and geological studied, Lekic joined the ranks of 17 other early career U.S. scientists and engineers who were awarded a Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering last week.

Lekic's Past Research Has Helped to Create a Platform for His Current Studies

 Lekic's research is based on ground vibration recordings, which he and his students use to detect the scattering of seismic waves across the North American tectonic places. In conjunction with the National Science Foundation's Earthscope Facility network, the data is collected from the 49 states and Puerto Rico and makes up about 3.8 million square miles, Lekic said. From this data, Lekic is creating a map that will not only cover all 48 contiguous states, Alaska and Puerto Rico, but also dive deep int the Earth's crust and core. Lekic has already used the seismic information to investigate why and how the crust moves over the Earth's mantle.

New Research Attempts to Create a Model of the Earth By Harnessing Energy

As of now, the deepest any machine has been able to dig was about 12 kilometers into the Earth's crust, a minuscule fracture of the roughly 6,730 kilometers it takes to get to the Earth's core. Using the seismic information helps geologists see the shapes and sizes of the Earth's layer. Lekic and McDonough are attempting to harness that energy to create another way to build a model of the Earth. "We are both interested in the energy that moves the tectonic plates and creates the magnetic shield around the planet," geology professor William McDonough said. As a doctoral student at the University of California, Berkley, Lekic formulated higher-resolution images of the Earth's mantle stucture, stemming from his creation of a global seismic velocity model. Not only is the mode able to give geologists a better understanding of plate tectonics, but it also helps explain the movements of continental plates and their evolution, Lekic said. "What we do is comparable to how an ultra let's us see through our bodies," Lekic said. "But this lets us see through the Earth."

Lekic's Research Also Focuses on Newly Discovered Particle, Neutrino

      Other than his seismology research contributions, Lekic is also a forerunner in the new geological field of neutrino geoscience. Neutrinos are a type of electrically neutral subatomic particle that are created during radioactive decay or some kinds of nuclear reactions. The particle, which was only discovered geographically in 2005 and physically detected for the first time last year, moves through every kind of object, McDonough said.

Lekic Hopes That This Grant Will Help Him Better Understand Earth 

 Lekic is now one of five alumni faculty members who have received the award while at this university, and he will be given access to unrestricted funds of $875,000 over a five-year period to support his extensive research on Earth's inner structure. Now that a large fund has been granted to his work, he hopes to spend more time plotting the seismic information in graphs and models so that he may better understand the Earth, Lekic said.

 "The great thing about this fellowship is its flexibility to go chase a really good idea to wherever it leads," said Orr, a Stanford University professor. "It is an incredibly valuable fund and gives the researchers an opportunity to take off with a good idea instead of waiting a year or more for federal money." "If you look at the field of those who get it and try to figure out from their research summaries and letters which are the strongest candidate, it's a difficult task," said Franklin Orr, chairman of the Packard Fellowship panel. "We always run out of fellowships before we run out of wonderful people to give them too."Lekic has also received several other career awards besides the Packard Fellowship, but this one might be the most important to date. 

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